About Me
My name is Michelle Biton. I’m an International best-selling author, Wellness Coach, and Health Educator. For the past 20+ years I’ve been a leading expert in health and wellness online. I’ve written for the Encyclopedia of Natural Health, a variety of online and offline publications, and have been featured on various television, radio shows and magazines as a health and fitness expert.
In 2002 I wrote a hugely successful book called Pregnancy Without Pounds which sold over 40 thousand copies internationally and helped over a million people. Then, I had to take the next chunk of time off from helping other people and focus on helping my own family.
So, if anyone gets what it takes to push through hard times and change – I DO!! For the last 10 years I have had my hands full helping my special needs daughter get through anxiety – and boy was it tough – at times I didn’t even think I’d get through the day – but I did! It got so bad that we stopped going out, travelling, visiting friends, even sleeping at night. Yep! There were times that the insomnia got so bad we didn’t sleep for 2 weeks at a time – not one wink!
We tried every kind of treatment – be it natural or allopathic – and nothing worked. No meds, therapy, or treatment until one day I had a casual conversation with one of my best friends, who happens to be a Dialectical Behavior Therapist (DBT) – and it CLICKED. I finally found what I was looking for.
I dove deep into understanding the workings behind the therapy and was mentored by the best. What I like most about DBT is it teaches the SKILLS to work through your challenges and not just talk about them, numb them, or work around them. So, I quickly combined some concepts with my own schooling, training and 30-years of coaching experience to develop my own SPECIAL approach to helping people. I have my Masters’ Degree in Holistic Nutrition, Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, Certificate in Kinesiology Health and Fitness Studies.
My passion is in writing self-help books and empowering people to push through their obstacles to become the best version of themselves. I am a firm believer that we are ALL capable of change. And with a little bit of the RIGHT COACHING, we can ALL learn to push through our challenges, and get to the other side, so we can live our best life. Taking charge of your life takes SKILL. We have to learn how to STOP our negative patterns and take charge of our body AND mind. Once we learn how to do this, the sky is the limit. It feels so amazing to step into your full potential, look back on your life and see how far you’ve come.

I have a deep love for empowering others to become the best version of themselves, to step into their personal power, and live to their full potential. I’ve learned that prevention is the best remedy and balance is key to a happy, healthy life.
I’m here to help you reach your goals!

…”not only is Michelle full of practical firsthand knowledge on anxiety, but she is an incredibly beautiful human being on an uncommon path…her story of trial to triumph is remarkable.” – Adam Michaels, author of Sink or Shine: Attract Clients and Talent with the Brightness of Your Mission

My book on ANXIETY called The Instant Anxiety Solution is currently getting published by Hatherleigh Press a subdivision of Penguin Random House Publishing. It is estimated that 40 million adults in the United States alone are suffering from anxiety, that is 1 in every 5 people! Did you also know that ONLY 36.9% of those people will get help, and the other 63.1% will suffer – and suffer alone! I am passionate about reaching those people who are silently struggling and give them tools and techniques so they TOO can feel better. Anxiety is treatable. My book can teach essential self-help skills to help decrease your anxiety. Pre-Order Now!

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